FAQs about our legal services
Here are some FAQs about our services
1. Why should I use Barker Evans?
Barker Evans Law Ltd is a legal training and resources company. Our legal professionals have over 30 years experience in professional practice specialising in elderly and vulnerable person issues including Wills, probate, trusts and Court of Protection.
2. Can you help me if I’m based in another part of the UK?
We’re based in Nottingham in the East Midlands and our training and resource services relate to the law in England UK.
3. Are your online services available for a fixed fee?
If you require professional or in-house training for your organisation or group please feel free to contact us for a quotation.
4. Can I email or telephone you to ask legal questions?
If you are new to us you are welcome to contact us to enquire about our web-based training and information services. Here are our contact details.
We don’t give detailed legal advice to people who telephone or email us. You may submit a question to us through this site and if it is suitable we may be able to offer information and comment on your query through our blog. But as we get many queries sent to us we can’t guarantee to answer any particular question or provide information within a particular timescale.
5. Can you represent me at a mental health tribunal?
No, we do not undertake mental health tribunal work.
6. What if I can’t see the type of service I need listed on the site?
If you are unable to see the type of service you require please contact us as we may still be able to assist you.
7. Do you give advice on tax?
We offer web-based learning on inheritance tax as part of our Wills, Trusts, estate administration and later life planning training services.
8. Do you prepare tenancy agreements?
No, tenancy advice is a specialism dealt with by land law specialists. We may offer web-based learning and general information about matters that may relate to private residential properties but we do not prepare tenancy agreements or deal with eviction proceedings.
9. Do you advise on matrimonial or children’s law?
We do not undertake work relating to relationship breakdown and children’s law.
10. Do you do conveyancing?
We do not offer conveyancing services such as the sale, purchase or leasing of residential or commercial property.